energy drink

my go-to rejuvenating citrus juice by Lindsey | Dolly and Oatmeal

this is the time of year after the holidays, new year's, and valentine's day when it sets in that we've got another solid month of hardcore winter.  i feel pale, drained, and suuuuper vitamin d deprived, this is when i call in the troops.  extra anti-inflammatories (i'm looking at you, turmeric, chia seeds, healthy fats, etc., etc.,), vitamin c up the ying-yang, hella tea and warm lemon water.  of course i'm also trying to chomp down on healthy meals but all i really want is chocolate and that order. this weather is tough, especially this year- dry skin, ceiling leaks, water damage, and sidewalks full of soup-y slush.  i'm over you, winter.

so, this juice has everything in it to give me the extra energy i need to get through a long and cold day: apple cider vinegar to help my skin and aid in digestion, oranges and coconut water to keep my body and skin hydrated, and turmeric to add some earthiness, but also for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.   it is seriously one of the things i start my day with, or if i don't have the time in the morning, i make in the afternoon to restore my lost energy.  if you're not used to the taste of apple cider vinegar - the tanginess might be something to get accustomed to. although i have never tried, you could omit the vinegar if it's really offensive to you and replace it with equal parts lemon juice.  cheers, friends! xo

rejuvenating citrus juice

serves 2 - makes about 3 cups

i doubled the amounts here for 2, simply halve the recipe for 1 serving.  alternatively, you could also use a juicer instead of a high-speed blender.  

adapted from The Colorful Kitchen


  • 2 cara cara or navel oranges, peels removed
  • 2 blood oranges, peels removed
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons raw agave nectar
  • 6 coconut water ice cubes (or water ice cubes)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric


  • high-speed blender (or juicer)
  • fine mesh sieve


  • place all ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth
  • place a clean glass below a fine mesh sieve, and strain half the juice - i like a mix of half pulp and half juice.  alternatively, you can strain all of the juice or none of it, totally delicious either way and totally up to you!
