

joey’s nearly 4 months old, so i’ve already begun to think about introducing solids in another 2 months. it’s hard to believe he’ll be sprouting little teeth soon, and be chomping down on actual food as well. his preferred position is to sit up, and not in a reclined position - this guy likes to be at a 90-degree angle at all times, which can be quite the challenge (especially when i need to get things done and he’s just not having it in his little play-gym). but he’s really just the most happy little boy - always smiling, and talking, and noticing just about everyone and anyone who walks in the room. he adores his big brother, his face beams just looking at amesy. we think joey just wants to big like him and do all the cool things.

when it comes to baby food though, i really started super basic with amesy. taking things frank and i eat and just making them baby-friendly. take sweet potatoes for example. frank and i eat them throughout the week, so when it comes to food prep, i just roast a few extra to puree into baby food. and since i wanted to introduce some subtle spices, i flavored them with a bit of ground cinnamon. amesy loved them so much that we gradually moved to roasted sweet potatoes wedges with cinnamon as got older. side note: he still eats sweet potatoes almost every night ;)

for the blueberry-avocado flax jars i really wanted to incorporate some healthy fats and fiber with the blueberries. it’s almost like a little smoothie for your babe. using avocado instead of banana is my favorite way to keep it a low-glycemic food, while maintaining a super creamy and velvety texture. (plus, for a more toddler-friendly version, i add unsweetened almond milk yogurt to fill it out a bit more for breakfast or a snack.) .

but baby food is only as good as what contains it, really. with so many toxins and chemicals in modern day plastic containers, i am particularly careful what i use to store my baby food in. while i’ve always relied on le parfait glass canisters and jars for pantry goods and flours, i also use them to store my baby food, as they’re a brand i know and trust. not only that, but i can make a big batch of baby food ahead of time, preserve it, and use it later without wasting any food (if you’re curious on le parfait’s technique, you can find it here). even if you choose to preserve your baby food a different way, le parfait containers make it easy by making so many various shapes and sizes to fit your needs. they’re a wonderful resource, here’s a link to hop over to their site - you can check out a wealth of knowledge, as well as some wonderful recipes.

thank you Le Parfait for sponsoring this post! all thought and opinions, as always, are my own.

cinnamon sweet potato puree | gf & v

| makes roughly 2 cups |

  • 2 organic sweet potatoes

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon


| makes roughly 2 cups |

  • 2 cups organic blueberries, washed and patted dry

  • 1 1/2 ripe organic avocados

  • 2 tablespoons ground flax


  1. preheat oven to 400°F.

  2. sterilize your jars and containers. fill a large pot with water, bring to a boil. submerge jars in the water for 45 minutes. use tongs to remove them. let them dry and cool. keep your pot on the stove with the water inside, we’re going to use it again later.

  3. while jars are drying, make the cinnamon sweet potato puree. poke the potatoes all over with a fork. place potatoes on a baking sheet and roast until tender, about 45 minutes-1 hour. remove from oven and slice open, let cool completely.

  4. scrape potato flesh from the skin and place in the container of a food processor fitted with a metal “s” blade. add the cinnamon and blend on high, scraping down the sides of the container until no lumps remain, and the mixture is smooth. fill your containers 3/4 of the way. wipe containers rim, and fasten lids tightly on top.

  5. place a rack or tea towel on the bottom of your pot; bring water back to a boil (212°F). lower jars into the water, making sure the tops are covered (if they’re not, simply pour more water in). boil for 45 minutes, then let cool. store preserved baby food in a cool dark place, preferably a closed pantry.

  6. make the blueberry-avocado flax jars. combine the blueberries, avocado, and flax in the container of a food processor fitted with a metal “s” blade. process on high, scraping down the sides as needed until everything is combined and creamy. immediately fill your jars 3/4 of the way, and proceed to preserve the jars as outlined above.