
cookbook LA by Lindsey | Dolly and Oatmeal

while in LA last week i had the opportunity to stop by cookbook, a space i had been meaning to check out for quite some time.  if there were ever a place i could see myself plop down each day to be inspired, rejuvenated and just plain old mesmerized, this was it.  it's kind of a farmers' market/farm stand/cafe mashup, highlighting local produce and prepared foods. 

farm tables displayed fresh, local veggies; stone fruits, the perkiest of raspberries, cornichons to munch on, freshly picked flower stems and a freezer with an assortment of berry/herb ice pops. beside a refrigerator case stood a beautiful wooden bookcase filled with specialty oils, chocolate bars, salts and spices.

while my head was spinning from all the beauty, i was equally a little bummed that i couldn't purchase a bunch of loot to bring home and cook up.  i did, however, get to purchase some of the sweetest, most raspberry-colored raspberries and a few juicy apricots.  and i was super happy to bring those little guys back to our place and shoot them, and all their glory, in a kitchen with direct sunlight (GASP!).   if you ever do find yourself in the LA area, this place is a must-go! happy monday, all! xo

♥ whoopie pies! by Lindsey | Dolly and Oatmeal


i have been meaning to make these whoopie pies for a while now and thought valentine's day was a perfect excuse to do so.  we live across the street from Baked, a bakery known for all things sweet and indulgent.  occasionally frank will get one of their whoopie pies, and even though i cannot eat them, i always find myself taking a bite (and then regretting it).  the cake is light, moist, and not too sweet. while the cream is smooth and buttery, and also not too sweet.  after tasting some other whoopie pies in and around brooklyn, frank and i both believe that Baked has mastered the art of the whoopie pie! why might you ask i try to remake something that is already perfect? i'm not attempting to outdo the Baked whoopie, i am merely trying to make a whoopie pie that i can eat without feeling ill.  some might be scared that these pies are grain-free, and gluten-free (these can easily be vegan if you replace the eggs with ground flaxseed),and that the cream is completely vegan. but fear not, frank (the man has no dietary restrictions whatsoever) has tested the whoopie pies (3 of them, in one sitting!) and he has given them his solid stamp of approval ✓

adapted from Health-Bent

:: makes 16 cookies and 8 whoopie pies ::

pre heat oven to 350°

line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper

**just a note on the coconut milk.  do not shake the can.  the top half of the can is where the "full fat" coconut milk resides.  i usually get 3/4 cup full fat coconut milk out of a single can.  you will notice a watery looking liquid when the full fat is gone.

:: directions ::

2 cups almond flour

1/4 cup natural cocoa powder (non-dutched)

1/4 cup coconut palm sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

1/2 teaspoon powder

1/2 cup full fat, canned coconut milk

2 large eggs

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

whisk all the dry ingredients until combined

then add the coconut milk, eggs, and vanilla - mix

using a cookie scoop (i didn't have one so i used a tablespoon), scoop even amounts of the batter onto the lined baking sheets.  make sure you leave at least 2 inches between each cookie

bake for 15 minutes, rotating the baking sheets halfway through

:: vanilla bean cream ::

3/4 cup palm shortening

3 tablespoons coconut oil

3 tablespoons raw honey (you can also use powdered sugar, or agave)

1 vanilla bean, scraped (or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract)

in a bowl, beat the shortening, coconut oil, vanilla bean/extract, and honey with an electric mixer.  beat for 2-3 minutes or until ingredients are combined and creamy

**let the cookies cool completely before assembling with cream

put as much or as little cream between the cookies, i put about 1/4 inch of cream - i may use more next time

i stored my whoopie pies in the fridge and took them out 15-20 minutes before serving

:: enjoy ::